Meet the Working Group (WG) - ANPEPP
The theories and interventions that make up the cognitive and contextual approaches are traditionally evidence-based. However, despite a robust scientific production and the growing interest they arouse, Cognitive and Contextual Therapies still have modest participation in undergraduate and graduate Psychology curricula in Brazil. In this sense, fostered by a group of graduate advisors, the 1st FBTC Doctors Meeting was held during the 2013 Brazilian Congress of Cognitive Therapies (CBTC), where potentially interested and eligible professionals were identified for the creation of the first Working Group (WG) on Cognitive and Contextual Therapies for the Symposium of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Psychology (ANPEPP) in 2014.
The idea of a WG stemmed from the discussion about theory, practice and research on cognitive and contextual therapies among FBTC PhD members. The WG seeks to encourage Cognitive and Contextual Therapy researchers to join representative organizations, enhancing their integration and boosting the efforts of existing research groups. The WG was proposed under the coordination of Carmen Beatriz Neufeld and Vice-Coordination of Bernard Rangé and was approved for the 15th ANPEPP Symposium in Bento Gonçalves, in May 2014.
Aline Sardinha – IPUB-UFRJ
Angela Alfano Campos – UERJ
Bernard Rangé – UFRJ – Vice-Coordenador
Carmem Beatriz Neufeld – USP - Coordenadora
Carolina Lisboa – PUCRS
Eliane Falcone – UERJ
Hector Fernandez-Alvarez - FundAigle
Ilana Andretta – UNISINOS
Karen Szupszynski – UFGD
Laisa Marcorela Andreoli Sartes – UFJF
Leopoldo Barbosa – FPS
Marcele Carvalho – UFRJ
Maria Amélia Penido – IPUB-UFRJ
Mariangela Savoia – IPq-USP
Margareth de Oliveira – PUCRS
Margarida Gaspar de Matos – UNL
Maycoln Teodoro – UFMG
Nazaré Hayasida – UFAM
Neuciane Gomes – UFRN
Neuza Cristina dos Santos Perez – UFPI
Paulo Machado - UMINHO
Prisla Ucker Calvetti – UNILASALLE
Raphael Fischer – Estácio de Sá
Renata Lopes – UFU
Ricardo Padovani – UNIFESP
Suely Santana – UNICAP
Tamara Melnik – UNIFESP
Wanderson Souza – UFRRJ
Wilson Viera Melo – ITC-RS